“Husband’s Meet or Puchka Treat”

#Together – an initiative by Housing.com Garvi and Rishi recently got engaged and their wedding date was also scheduled too early. The courtship lasted for a very short duration of around one and a half month. Everyone was happy and enjoying but there were two people who were both happy and sad, Garvi and her friend Annie and they had their own reasons behind it. Annie too was engaged and her engagement took place around six months before Garvi got engaged and the wedding was to take place two months after the scheduled date of Garvi’s wedding. By that time they were making plans for Annie’s wedding but now the tables had turned. But, Garvi tried to take charge of the situation and promised her friend to be there at her wedding anyhow. She too was convinced and considering the short span of time, they got busy with the wedding preparations. Finally, Garvi was married off and she went to her in-laws with the promise to Annie to return on her wedding. Time flew away, days passed and months crossed, finally the time of Annie’s wedding was overhead. Rishi and Garvi tried their best to be able to make to the wedding. Even till the last moment they kept trying that if not on all the ceremonies, they should reach there by the wedding day but they couldn’t make their way. For some obvious reasons, Garvi wasn’t in a good mood because despite of every attempt harder than before things weren’t moving the way she wanted them to. She kept herself immersed in her regular routine chores but it was clearly visible that she wasn’t happy. Rishi too was upset seeing her. The entire family could make that out from her face. Rishi had a word with her and tree to make her understand the situation. Every time he did so, he was rewarded with one line only, “I am fine, its just that I couldn’t fulfil the promise i made, weddings are a once in lifetime event and I wanted to be with Annie on her very special day”. Rishi completely understood the bond they shared and how she felt by not being able to attend the wedding. He thought of ways to cheer her up. That day, she realised, it was the people that make house a home to live in and she was glad that she had the perfect one for her as her husband, so wherever they might be and whatever they have, they’ll be happy forever. On the wedding day, he returned from work early without informing his wife, rather I should say that was a surprise to her as in the last two months, since they were married, this was the first time that this had happened. He smiled. She reciprocated. He was very happy to see that smile on her face. He asked her to get ready as they were going out. She was reluctant to go but when he insisted to the limits, she agreed as she didn’t want to spoil his mood and moreover she knew it was for her sake. Deep down her heart, she cherished the small gestures and actions of her husband. She got ready. They went out. Rishi drove the car slowly while he sung the favourite songs of his beloved. They finally stopped to eat some street food, especially “Puchka” being her favourite followed by pal bhaji, manchurian and ice cream, another favourites. Last but not the least, they had Pan. On the way back home, Rishi said, “Always keep smiling, you look  the best when you smile. Live in the present moment and make the best of it just as we did now and life would be easier.” This time, she genuinely smiled understanding what he wanted to convey. Was it the “Puchka” or “Rishi” that changed her mood was still a confusion but Rishi was relieved and happier.

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