The Perfect “Two”…!!


Two –

Is is just a number?

or more, I wonder.

Is is just one added to the other?

or more, I wonder.

On constant thinking

and re-thinking.

I found and realized,

it has hidden meaning behind.

And, now I am of the view,

out of two,

one is ‘Me’ & the other is ‘You’.

That makes us the “Perfect Two”.

Together Forever,

Multiplying Happiness,

Dividing Sorrows,

Celebrating Joys,

Facing Woes,

Being each other’s strengths.

And, over-coming weakness.

Two bodies but one soul,

accepting each other as a whole.

What else does one need?

Being together makes us complete.

So don’t you think ‘Me’ & ‘You’

are perfectly, the “Perfect Two”?

I am pretty sure,

that yes, we are.


In response to, OctPoWriMo 2014


In love with the song, “Perfect Two”

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