Every end is a new beginning.

In it’s truest sense it is foreshadowing…something that I wrote before knowing of this prompt. Isn’t it Foreshadow? lolzz.. I am glad to reblog my own post for the topic that is connected… 🙂

Writing 101: Dark Clouds on the (Virtual) Horizon

Pen Stroke

It was a dark & beautiful Wednesday evening when they met at a coffee shop. His late arrival compelled her to wait and this was nothing new for her. She was lost in her thoughts of the quarrel they had the previous night and this was also the agenda of the meeting. The thoughts about the consequences of the fight as to in which direction will it lead them disturbed her. Does it signify the end or is it paving way for a new beginning? She was too occupied with her fear of the future and the memories of the past that she didn’t notice that he had arrived.

He called out her name in order to confirm his presence.

They greeted each other, trying to be friendly and not showing the impact of the fight, although it was visible in their eyes. The waiter arrived to take their order…

View original post 231 more words

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